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Complete Guide To Winning Keno

by David Cowles

Customer Reviews

Move from Beginner to Intermediate, August 9, 2000
Reviewer: Ken Grimme (Baldwinsville, New York USA)

This is a book for the non-slot machine Keno player who wants to move from beginner or from an experienced player relying on instinct and common sense, to an intermediate player wise to the in's and out's of this complex and ancient gambling game. Of particular use will be the mathematical formulas necessary to calculate way (or combination) tickets and begin to perceive the odds. For example, it is smarter to play a way ticket of 3 groups of three, or 4 groups of three, or even 5 groups of three? And on a way ticket of 5 groups of 3, just how many combinations of 6 are possible? Or 9? This book shows you how to calculate those numbers. There is nothing new here for the expert player and those who just stuff coins into a Keno slot machine will be equally disappointed. The book is written in a flowing and casual style making it a quick read except for the time spent lingering over and understanding the relatively simple math and reviewing some helpful tables. Lots of excellent tips and info on the game in general. Interestingly, the author relates some short antecdotes about he and his wife's adventures in the casinos playing Keno. It seems she, not the author, may have been the more successful player. I don't know if she followed his advice, but I'd love to read her book! Maybe this isn't the absolute and Compleat Keno but it is all the Keno reference book most of us "play for fun" Keno addicts will need. A good deal for the price.

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