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The Psychology of Poker
by Alan N. Schoonmaker
Spotlight Reviews
Understand your opponents (and yourself). Win big!, July 24, 2004
Reviewer: Daniel Kessler (Farmville, VA)
The strength of this book is in helping you understand why you play the game (it may not be what you think), and more importantly, why your opponent is playing. Understanding motivations can help you understand and predict the actions of your opponent. In poker, knowledge is power, and this book will help you to win pots you may have folded, and lay down hands when you are beaten. The chapters on various playing styles are especially important. Following Dr. Schoonmaker's tips during my first trip to Vegas helped me to get out of the way when beaten, and jam the pot when I had the best of it. Thanks Dr. Schoonmaker for helping make my first casino trip a profitable one!