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Picking Winners : A Horseplayer's Guide
by Andrew Beyer
Spotlight Reviews
The one that started it all, February 1, 2000
Reviewer: Thomas D. Roelofs "rodallison" (Plymouth Twp, MI USA)
I've read many fine books on handicapping and this one is probably the best of them all. A real easy read, its peppered with fascinating and often humerous anecdotes and rules of thumb.
Beyer first introduced his speed handicapping concept in this book, and he shows how to compute the now famous Beyer speed figures. Even though they're available in the Form, its still good to know how they were derived.
At the time Beyer wrote this book, he focused most heavily on speed handicapping, and he would more thoroughly embrace other factors such as pace or trip handicapping later in his career. But he does at least touch on all facets of handicapping in this book, and either a beginner or expert will find it a informative and amusing read.