352 pages
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An American Premium Guide to Jukeboxes and Slot Machines: Identification and Value Guide
by Lyliffe
Customer Reviews
Jukeboxes, Slot Machines and More- Picture and Value Guide, December 16, 2000
Reviewer: Irvin Goodman (Cincinnati, OH USA)
This handy sized 5 1/4" x 8 1/4", 352 page book features more than 275 great black and white photos of every type of jukebox, gumball, trade-stimulator, and slot machine imaginable. There's plenty of history, investment advice, information on pitfalls, restoration and more, to whet the appetite of any coin-op machine collector. Illustrations are quite large, and the text provided is most interesting. Enthusiasts of these collectibles will find it of great interest and value by adding it to their library.