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John Patrick's Craps: "So You Wanna Be a Gambler"
by John Patrick
Customer Reviews
Reviewer: Victor Gordon "bettor2b" (Jerusalem, Israel)
John Patrick forgot more about the game of craps than most of us know. This book will make you a stronger player no matter what your level may be. His advice is invaluable to all gamblers but especially to the non-professional craps player. Even if you've been playing the game for fifty years, you will benefit from the no nonsense common sense observations here. This book will more than pay for itself immediately on your next visit to a casino. It takes you from a kindergarten to a Ph.D. level. The novice can become an excellent player from this one book. Buy it. You'll be sorry if you don't.
Best Book on Craps I have read, December 6, 1998
Reviewer: John Prather (Orange, TX)
This book is great! It covers a number of right betting techniques, then the don't side then a few hedges and finaly puts them all together in a trend system that wins for me at the $5 table. I have won $540 in 4 sessions starting with a $220 buy in each time (I had one really good session, 2 pretty good, and one loss). And I gave back $100 after I had ended a couple of sessions proving that the displine section of this book is the hardest to master. It is tough to quit when you are ahead... really tough. But at least this book can get you ahead. The rest is up to you. I found this book as complex if not more so than his book titled "Advanced Craps". If you want to stop playing stupid, read this book and play by the rules.